About brick
About bricks
Ãjor, Ãjur, or Ãgor is an ancient Greek word used to refer to bricks on which governmental rules were written and engraved after they were burned. It is not precisely known when bricks were discovered, but it can be traced back to the discovery of fire; when the clay around primitive humans' stove turned harder than the neighboring mud. By observing this, humans discovered brick. Also, in ancient times, after the overflows of the Tigris and Euphrates, a large amount of silt would deposit on the earth's surface. After the sun evaporated the silt, the remaining sediments, which had special adhesion, would turn into irregular cubes. With the advent of brick, there was a transformation in the structure of buildings which, until then, were made from clay and mud. Strong brick buildings were built as a result of this transformation. First bricks were made without molds and looked like pillows. Brick consumption in Iran has an ancient history. Pre-Islamic brick buildings from the Sassanid era (224 to 651 AD) are still standing. Buildings such as Kasra vault in Bistoon or the corridor floor of Jame Mosque in Isfahan, which the brick used for carpeting the floor were taken from fire-temples in the Sassanid era. Remains of pottery and brick kilns have been found in Shush and Sialk of Kashan in Iran, dating back to the fourth millennium BC. There are also signs of brick production and consumption in India, indicating a six-thousand-year history of brick in the mentioned country. Brick is a building material compatible with human nature and has been used by man in different ways throughout history. Ever since leaving the cave-dwelling life behind, humans have thought about making shelters to protect themselves from natural phenomena such as wind, rain, cold, heat, and predatory animals. They thought of ways of making materials that are a) light-weighted so that carrying is easy and b) flexible enough in terms of plasticity so that it can be shaped as needed. The simplest definition for brick is that it is an artificial stone made of clay fired with stone's original structure, and its measurements and quantity can be adjusted to our needs. A good bricks makes a ringing sound when hit by another brick. The sound signifies brick's health, repletion, resistance, and water absorption rate. A good bricks should resist fire and not melt or become a paste. It should have a uniform color and a flat surface without any holes. It also should be hard enough that it does not get scratched by nails.
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